Day 8 - 1,000 miles cycling across France πŸ‡«πŸ‡· + Spain πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ

Today ended with me coming into the camping site after reception had already closed. A friendly guy from Holland named Dominic who had blonde dreads tied up top of his head and a small dog who was barking at me said he arrived after reception had closed also.

I set my tent up and proceeded to chat with Dominic whilst bubblegum the dog had taken a liking to me and came and slept by my side.

Apparently Dominic was sick of the system and decided to sell his house and use the profits to buy a bike and tent and now he’s riding across his way to Portugal to hopefully buy some land and set up a yoga and growing vegetable retreat.

I took a ferry on today’s journey which was pretty cool cost only €4.00 It was quite a big ferry that also contained vehicles as well as passengers. The sky is blue and the Sun beat down as we cross the ocean.

I had some recommendations from one of my athletes who is French but unfortunately I missed the first one which he said was the best ice cream shop in France I will go next time.

I really didn’t get going today until about 12 in the afternoon. I really did procrastinate including going to McDonald’s and having a large black Americano while sitting outside and just reminiscing over America.

Tonight I ran out of my camping meal so therefore I had to buy my own ingredients and make some dinner from scratch. The supermarket stated on Google Maps it shut at 8 pm but when I arrived at 7:30 they told me it had already closed at 7:30. I snuck in as there are still people at the checkout grabbed a few things and was able to make pasta with sardines, olive oil, and sea salt.

I’m pretty tired and it’s been a good day.