Appalachian Trail Day 21

The first cool thing that happened was having a long conversation on the phone with my mother, sister and my father. Was so good to hear from them. I’ve had no cell service for days and just yesterday realised my contract was up. As normal my dad thought I was wounded or dead.

I took my first break at a look out. A bunch of other hikers turned up. Dumb horse and Creature a hiking couple gave me a bandage for my finger as I cut it with my knife whilst cutting cheese.

Today was significant as the Bigelows were the final 4,000 footers we would go over before Mt Katahdin. A lot of hikers were saying how tough today would be. I actually found today pretty easy.

I heard back from Warren Doyle. He was up here in Maine. I unfortunately missed him by half a day. That’s a shame would have been good to see him.

At the top of the Bigelow West Peak a whole bunch of hikers were taking in the view and hanging out. The surrounding mountains were clear to see with only a little mist in the distance.

I’m in Little Bigelow Lean-to, it’s a full house today with the dirty bubble. We are like a pack of sardines in here, shoulder to shoulder.

Hollywood and Ulga are here too. So good to be amongst these people.

Tomorrow it’s a flat day in comparison to what we have encountered so far. I’m out of food so tomorrow will be interesting.