28 mile long run

Started early today to ensure escaping the Sun. Fuelled on 5 x choc oat milk’s, 3 x sprites and a small Coca-Cola, 2 x chocolate Japanese Moshi sweets, plus 1 x ice cream at the halfway point.

Really enjoyed running the first few hours in the dark with my head torch. And this run was manageable because the temperature stayed within a range of 80 to 90°F.

Pleased with the way I felt physically considering I ran 20 miles yesterday with 7000 feet gain and loss.

Just cause you do a good a training block doesn’t mean that you have what it takes to break world record on the AT, I know I’ve got a lot to overcome to get that 41 days 7 hours and 39 minutes record.

Kristian Morgan

online running coach and fitness coaching


Running on the AT


Saw Wild bore