

Meet Veronica, an experienced 100 mile ultrarunner who joined me through a section of the Appalachian trail (about 90 miles💥) in New Hampshire including the White mountains.

Being blown around by 70mph winds 💨 over Franconia ridge 🏔 🏔, climbing the “Wildcat mountains” and Veronica hearing me yell out loud as I fractured my phalange bone after an unfortunate fall are all part of what made our experience together memorable.

For me what stands out about Veronica is her relentless positivity. As you can imagine (or not) running from sunrise to sunset every day on the AT inevitably means I will encounter some shady moods.

But even when I was at my lowest Veronica was able to continue her relentless positivity. For me this shows she has not just physical endurance but also intellectual and social endurance. These kind of people are really hard to find in life.

So I’m pleased that Veronica joined us in this mission and I look forward to spending time with her again on the trail.