10 hours sleep
The sound of the brooks constant flow of water soothed my mind as I slept. I woke refreshed after 10hrs of deep sleep.
I took my time preparing for today’s hike and enjoyed the idillic surroundings. Drinking coffee after my tent was packed away I admired the water, how it flows, so pure and perfect.
Whilst hiking I saw many Moose poohs and hoped I would see a moose also but no moose appeared, I will try get photos when I do see one.
I approached some Sobos and stopped to talk. “Seen any moose” I asked, “yes quite a few” replied the man with orange dyed hair and fingernails to match. His name was Sherlock.
Sherlock told me I would see moose if at a pond or lake during either dawn or dusk. As this mans name was Sherlock I suspected he was right. I wished them well and hiked north.
I found a flow today whilst hiking, using my Leki poles I glided along the trail as if skiing. Maine trails so far compared to New Hampshire have been smoother with less rocks.
I ate lunch where according to a comment in the Guthook app a man had fallen to his death, hence the name Moody Cliff. I sat with my legs swinging over the edge, looking over it was a long drop to the floor.
I ended the day with a hitch into Andover. As I needed to pick up something from the post office and had booked a hostel there. The couple who picked me up were as always super friendly.
Andover is a small peaceful town with little more than a post office, church, and general store which you can sit down and eat home made food from their kitchens.
I met Dude in there, he was sitting with a hiker named Peace feet. Peace feet is a 64 year old who wears a cap pulled low and has a big unkempt beard, a bit like mine. He
Will be a double, triple crowner after he completes this hike and then the Continental Divide trail (CDT).
He’s an ultra runner also, I’m very inspired by him because I thought he was my age, but he’s 20 years older. I hope in 20 years I’m still hiking.
The Dude and Peace Foot ate 12 inch pizzas which were on the special tonight. I ate a bacon, cheese burger and home fries.
We all sat on the porch later taking and letting evening pass by.
The Appalachian trail is like the Brook I sat next to today. The hikers are the water that flow down it.