Ethon pond shelter to a stealth camping spot on Mount Pierce

The plan today is to hike with Martin whom I hiked most of yesterday with to meet his friend Jeremy and go swimming.

I heard a moose last night walking in Ethon pond, that was cool. Waking at 5am Martin and I were on the trail by 6:15am. Within what seemed no time at all we had hiked the 3 miles down to Crawford Notch rd. 

A man and woman were in the car park preparing for a day hike, I spoke with them both briefly. The lady who had a dog was going to climb some 4K footers, she had completed 19 already out of the 49 that are here in New Hampshire.

That’s what I luv about the outdoors lifestyle, you have a cool goal like that and go after it.

Jeremy, Martin’s friend turned up in a white Subaru accompanied by Remme his girlfriend from Uganda. Jeremy stood at about 6 foot 4 with shoulders like an American football player, Remme was quiet and sat in the front passenger seat.

We left the trail behind and headed towards a swimming hole Jeremy knew about. I felt like I was in an adventure with people I didn’t know, exciting. Parking the car we walked to the waterfall and went swimming. The water was cold and refreshing. I washed using Martins biodegradable soap.

Then we drove to a grocery store called Bart’s, I brought a black coffee and an vegetable wrap. Jumping back in the car we drove to an outfitters that sold new and secondhand stuff. I brought a spoon to replace the one I lost, a quick dry camping towel and a mini Swiss Army knife 

After all the fun with Jeremy and Remme we were dropped back on the Appalachian trail. Jeremy gave me a beard oil he made himself (Jeremy is starting a beard oil business) and said goodbye. 

Climbing up Mount Webster Martin and I chatted about all sorts of stuff. The heat was intense until we got closer to the summit then it cooled.

Arriving at the AMC hut called Mizpah we dropped out packs and went to find the caretaker. After paying $5 each we were taken to overflow area as the place had 20 thru hikers already occupying the other tent platforms. The area we were taken to was not big enough to pitch Martins tent and We both didn’t like the vibe of the place so we got a refund and hiked on the the summit of Mt Pierce. We found two stealth camping spots amongst the Spruce trees.

After drinking a homemade cider gifted to me from Jeremy and watching sunset I made my first packet of ramen noodles. 

As I lay in my tent the wind is whipping up against the trees on the other side of the trail. I feel cosy and pleased of my decision to leave the over crowded and cramped AMC campsite.

Goodnight y’all’s

Kristian Morgan

online running coach and fitness coaching

Stealth Camping spot on Mt Pierce to The Perch shelter


Eliza Brook shelter to Liberty springs campsite