How to run your first 100 Mile UltraMarathon



Over the past 10 years I have run many 100 milers. Including famous 100 milers such as “Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc” better known simply as “UTMB” in Chamonix France, Ronda Del Cims in Andorra (toughest 100 miler out there in my opinion !!!), pretty much all of the Centurion 100 milers in the UK, North Downs Way 100, South Downs Way 100 and the Autumn 100 and even a 200 mile ultramarathon called “Tor Des Geants” in the Italian Alps in the lovely Valle d'Aosta.

As a running coach helping aspiring ultrarunners to tackle their first 100 miler I have decided to offer 3 valuable tips that will help you along your way. 

1. When choosing which 100 mile ultramarathon to enter make sure it has meaning to you. This could be simply the 100 is in the same area that you grew up in or because you love the mountains that it’s held in or because you’ve wanted to enter this particular 100 for many years. When the 100 miler has a special meaning to you you’re more likely to finish.

2. Make sure when training for your chosen 100 miler that you do as many of your long training runs on a similar terrain to that of the your race. For example if it’s a mountainous 100 train in the mountains, if it’s a flat Road 100 train on the roads. This way you will be prepared for the event.

3. Nobody can run 100 miles without eating. All I’m saying is make sure on your long training runs your practice eating what you will eat during the 100 mile ultramarathon simple as that. You will find out what works for you and what does not. Aim for 200/400 calories per hour.

I hope this helps with your attempts at finishing a 100 mile ultramarathon. Happy trails.

Kristian Morgan

online running coach and fitness coaching

Running the trails in Chamonix at UTMB


Running coach